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Showing posts from July, 2019

Meanwhile @ Goose Hollow

So, all I had to do to get this guy to end his loud phone call and put his phone in his pocket, was to look up from my book and turn around to look at him sternly for about 20 seconds. He didn’t even say good bye to whoever he was talking to. He said ‘ sorry sir.’ I turned back around to read my book.

"don't help me!"

This older woman was staring at me so hard that she walked right into a pyramid of cantaloupes and fell face down , melons going everywhere. I ran over to help her and she said ‘don’t help me!’ So I didn’t. I walked back to my shopping cart and watched as she struggled to get up before letting other people help her. Smh

only 1 empty seat

So, I’m sitting on the train, with my headphones on, minding my business, and at the next stop this man is with his wife ( the seat next me is the only empty seat on the train) enters the train, looks at the empty seat and at me, and he says, “my wife and I would like to sit together.” And I said, “then you’ll need to find 2 empty seats.” He and his wife stood there and looked at me for about 10 seconds and I sat there staring back as the man breathed heavily and they both walked away. I don’t know what they were expecting. Actually I do-they wanted me to get up, but it wasn’t gonna happen. Not today. Not ever.